Hello Space Cadets!

Welcome to your Moon Quest! You are a space cadet, and are on a mission to find out about the moon and its phases!

To get started, read the following information on the moon with a partner:

Moon Phases:
"Every night, the moon shows a different face in the night sky. On some nights we can see its entire face, sometimes it's partial, and on others it isn't visible at all. These phases of the moon aren't random -- they change throughout the month in a regular and predictable way.

As the moon travels in its 29-day orbit, its position changes daily. Sometimes it's between the Earth and the sun and sometimes it's behind us. So a different section of the moon's face is lit up by the sun, causing it to show different phases."

Now take a close look at this diagram of the moon:
Information and diagram from http://science.howstuffworks.com/moon4.htm

It's time for foldables! Take your black piece of paper with the moon shapes cut out. Glue this paper to the white sheet of paper so that it lines up. Be careful!
Fold your paper into a shutterbox fold.
Fold each half of your paper in half again, then unfold.
Next, cut out eight flaps, four on each side, following the creases you just made.

Draw the VISIBLE MOON PHASES from the box below the diagram onto the front of the flaps.
Put the headline "Moon Phases" and your name on the back of the foldable.

Second Mission: Moon Phases
Second Mission: Read the directions carefully before clicking on the website!
Your second mission is to go to this website:

Click on it to pop it up.
Click "Next" button to flip through moon phases.  

Read these words  and their definitions:
"Illuminated": to shine a light onto
"Waxing": to slowly get bigger
"Waning": to slowly get smaller
"Increasing": to make greater in size
"Decreasing": to make smaller in size
"Phase": a part of a cycle

It's time for foldables! Take foldable with the moon pictures. Turn back the first flap.
On the inside of this first flap, write what that phase is called. Use the website to help you match what the phases look like and what their names are. 

Third Mission: Explore the Phases
Third Mission: Now that you know all about moon phases, let's explore!

Press "Start" button in the middle of the box.
Click on the "Moon Phases" button in the first set on the left hand side.

Now explore clicking on each of the moon phases to learn more about them!

Write some observations in the middle of your foldable. You can answer these questions to guide your notes.

Here are some questions you can answer to think about moon phases:
1. What happens when you change the day slider at the bottom of the screen?
2. What happens when you change the phase the moon is on?
3. What do you notice about how the Earth views the moon?

You can also write three things you have learned so far in your scavenger hunt! 

Your Foldable is complete! Keep this handy for the final test in your mission.

Take your "Moon Phase Flip Book" papers from your packet.
Cut out each phase carefully. Be sure to keep the moon phases in order.
In order to be sure your flip book will work, put all of the moon phases in order.

Reminder: the Moon Phases are in the correct order when they match below:
New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent.

Now that you have all of the pages in order, staple them together with two staples at the top and bottom.

Flip through your book to watch the moon change through the phases!

Fourth Mission: Review and Remember
Go to:http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/earthandbeyond/phases.asp
Begin reading the pages. When you have finished reading, click "next" to go to the next page. 
When you come to this page:
Click on the "Change Day" buttons, where this picture is directing you. 
Explore the moon phases and remind yourself of the names of each of the phases. 
Next, complete the quiz. Answer the questions to the best of your ability. You may refer to your Foldable to assist you in this quiz. 
Read the explanations after you answer each question on the quiz. You can write some of the information in your journal. 
Record how many questions you got right in your journal. 

Congratulations Space Cadet! 
You have successfully completed your Moon Quest. Keep your Foldable to remind yourself of all the neat things you have learned.

Students will show they understand the moon phases and how the moon changes over a period of 29 days by answering 4/4 questions in the final assessment correctly. 

2.1.2 Observe and describe how the Sun, Moon and stars all appear to move slowly across the sky.